
All the breeds kept on the farm are suited to an outdoor rearing system. They grow very slowly and have a higher fat covering than conventional pig breeds, which is why the pork has such deep flavour. We are regularly told by customers that it is the best pork they have tasted and makes amazing crackling.

The pigs give birth or farrow outdoors in their own ark. Occasionally due to weather conditions or for the welfare of both mother and litter the pregnant sow will be brought inside. She and her litter will return outside once the piglets are strong enough.

The piglets generally stay with their mother for 8-10 weeks when they are weaned and moved to their own paddocks. This gives their mum a well-earned rest. The pigs then stay on the farm until they are around 7 – 8 months old. The animals are then transported by ourselves to an abattoir some 10 minutes drive away. This ensures they experience as little stress as possible and are treated with the respect they deserve.

Our ethos is to rear animals naturally without additives, growth promoters or routine antibiotics. We routinely worm all adult breeding stock plus newly weaned piglets, but do not castrate, tail dock or teeth clip our animals.

If you have any questions about our pigs or the way they are reared, please call Bill or Sally on 01209 821408.