
We have a herd of Pedigree Gloucestershire Old Spots and Large Blacks on our own farm. We also purchase finished pigs from a selection of Cornish smallholders and farmers who share our values and ethics.

Pigs kidneys from Primrose Herd butchery and online shop

52 item(s)
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Pork knuckle/hock from Primrose Herd butchery and online shop

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Traditional breed boned and rolled leg of pork - a tender joint with plenty of crackling.

35 item(s)
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Pork leg joint with bone in from Primrose Herd butchery and online shop

72 item(s)
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Fresh pigs liver is a great source of iron.The liver is thinly sliced and ready to cook. Slightly milder than ox and a little stronger than...

11 item(s)
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Succulent pork ribs from Primrose Herd butchery and online shop

57 item(s)
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Minced pork from award winning Primrose Herd butchery and online shop

16 item(s)
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Pork barbeque pack- large from award winning Porimrose Herd butchery and online shop

93 item(s)
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A selection of award winning pork products suited for both Barbeque and conventional cooking.

100 item(s)
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Pigs cheek muscles are an unusual cut but seeing a revival amongst chefs. A great delicacy.

96 item(s)
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Pork cheeks need long slow cooking to bring out the amazing flavour. Meltingly tender when braised or stewed.

99 item(s)
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Pork cutlets from Primrose Herd butchery and online shop

86 item(s)
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